We provide a random chat in our community that is called slut roulette. You can meet people and make new friends through this service. If you are a guy looking to meet horny girls for cybersex, you can be sure that you won't have to click through hundreds of dicks before finding one! You are only going to see females if you are a male, and if you want to meet men, it's easy to do as well on our online community.
What is Sluts.com?
Sluts.com is an adult social network and a slut roulette community where you can meet horny girls for cybersex!
What can I do on Sluts.com?
You can watch up to four live webcams, invite people to cam2cam private chat, send and receive IM messages, send offline messages, create profiles, take and upload pictures, and much more.
Can I make money being a model on Sluts.com?
Yes. You can receive tips as tribute from other members, and if you become verified, you can cash out your Tokens for 70% of their original purchase price. There are no chargebacks, minimums or payment delays.
How is Sluts.com different from other webcam sites?
This site is more like a video social network than a traditional webcam site.
How old do I have to be to enter Sluts.com?
You must be at least 18 years of age.
Do I need to register to use Sluts.com?
No. You can watch and chat with other users without registering.
Does it cost anything to register?
No. It does not cost anything to become a registered member.
Do I have to have a credit card in order to register?
Not at all.
What are Tokens, and do I have to have them to use the site?
Tokens can be given to others in to show your appreciation. Tokens are not needed to use Sluts.com.
How do I get Tokens and what do they cost?
Members can buy Tokens by clicking on the "Buy Tokens" button (cost is $0.09/Token), or have others give them to you as tips or for paid private chats.
How do I give Tokens to someone else?
You can give Tokens to others by clicking on "Tip" above their webcam.
Can I see how many Tokens someone else has?
Yes. To see how many Tokens anyone has, click on the "Profile" button above their webcam. You will then see the amount of Tokens that user has on top of their profile.
What is VIP status, and how much does it cost?
VIP members must have at least 270 Tokens in their account. Other than keeping the required Tokens, being a VIP is free.
Am I allowed to promote other sites on Sluts.com?
No. We consider that to be spam, and your account will be banned.
Can I be rude, obscene, or do illegal things while I am on the site?
No. You will be banned without warning.
Does Sluts.com have an affiliate program?
Yes. Click here to sign up for our affiliate program, and make $25.00 for each VIP member referred.